Monday, October 27, 2008

Taste and See

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8

This has been a favorite verse of mine for a couple of years. Mostly because it was the first verse Joel memorized when he was two. But, I heard this entire Psalm preached on last night and God spoke so clearly to me through this verse. What does it really mean to "taste" the Lord? The Hebrew word used here for "taste" is "ta'am". This word is not used but a handful of times in the entire Bible. It truly means to "taste, indeed taste, discern".

In order to "indeed taste" something or discern what it tastes like we would have to get enough of it to know. When I cook something new for Joel and Caleb so many times they take a bite that is about as big as an English pea! There is no way they are able to "discern" or "indeed taste" if the bite they get is that small.

I believe this is true in our relationship with God as well. If all we are getting of God is church on Sunday and a 5 minute devotional a day, we do not know what God tastes like!! There are so many reasons why we do not spend more time with God, but I believe there is one underlying issue for all of our excuses. We are afraid He will not be enough. As long as we keep our relationship with God at an arm's distance we will never know if He is enough or not. And sometimes we would rather not know than be disappointed.

Oh dear sister, if we could ever stop believing that God is not a man! We are created in His image. He is not created in ours. Let's get in there and truly lay it all down before God and see what happens. Get a good mouthful and then we will all be able to say that "the Lord is Good."

1 comment:

Robby said...

It is a wonderful passage! Thanks for the reminder to taste God this morning. And thanks for your comments on the sermon. Robby