Monday, August 18, 2008

Treasure the Word

2 Timothy 3:16-17
Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Yesterday, the pastor at my church, Buddy Champion, preached about the importance of the Word of God in our lives. Of course, as most of you know, nothing excites me more than the Bible so I absolutely loved his message. Here are list of some facts about the Bible:

  • 66 Books
  • 39 Old Testament
  • 27 New Testament
  • 40 Authors
  • 1600 years to complete
  • 13 Countries
  • 3 Continents
  • One Theme - Redemption
  • One Hero - Jesus
  • One Villain - Satan
  • One Purpose - Glory to God

It is amazing to me that God brought all of Bible together into one book that works so perfectly together. There is no greater work of literature than the Bible, but is it more than that. Is it just a book? The Bible is the very words of God spoken into our lives. What if you were in a remote country and had never heard the "old redemption story" and one day someone walked up to you and handed you the very words of your creator in your language? How do you think you would feel? Even though it is hard to comprehend, I think that Bible might become my most treasured possession.

But, treasuring our Bibles is really not enough. They are meant to be used, to be consumed so to speak. Let me give you an example. I like pretzels okay, but my children love pretzels. I can see them eating them and not really want any. However, the way they eat them makes them look like the greatest food on the planet! After a few minutes of watching them eat them, I will want some too! I fear that sometimes I do this with the word of God. Sometimes, I do not spend enough time in His Word daily, but then I hear Beth Moore or David Platt or John Piper and I think "yeah, I want some of that". So what do I want? Do I want the Bible or do I want the hear a great speaker?

I am by no means saying that God does not use preachers and teachers. He uses them in great and mighty ways to bring about change in our lives. What I am saying is that the really exciting, supernatural things really happen when we are alone with God and that Book. The words are sharp and they are literally alive.

A few years ago when I really got serious about learning God's Word and praying God's Word I realized that one of the reasons I wanted to do so was so when I see Him face to face, I will not go babbling on and on like I am prone to do! I want to be able to pour out my love for Him from His own Word. I have a long way to go, but I'm glad I have some great company!

We must allow the Bible to penetrate every aspect of us so we can experience God's best. - Buddy Champion

1 comment:

B.J. Price said...

Awesome word today! "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)