Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Do What it Says"

James 1:22-25
John 14:15

Obedience is an issue that we can probably never talk about enough. I have obedience issues come up into my walk with Christ daily. In this world we live in, we are almost bombarded with issues and images that we have to decide what to do with. Are we going to truly follow Christ or just partially? This has been so vividly seen in the current presidential election. We have two primary candidates that both profess to be Christ followers yet they both seem to separate their professional lives from their personal lives. However, since my life is certainly not "inconsistent-proof", I must judge myself first.

Obedience is really important to God. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey what I command". Wow! I think all of us would say that we love Jesus, but He measures our love for Him by our level of obedience. I pray almost daily that He would give me and my family a heart to love Him and now I have added "an obedient spirit" because that is something that is so foreign for me. In my flesh, I am so disobedient, even to the point of rebellious. But, when I allow Christ to live through me, a willing, obedient spirit emerges. It has to be from Him.

The biggest obstacle to peace in our lives is a lack of obedience, but in my reading this week I also came across a quote that has had me thinking. See below...

God does not fill with His Holy Spirit those who believe in the fullness of the Spirit, or those who desire Him, but those who obey Him. - F. B. Meyer

I believe this is overwhelmingly true. We can only be filled with the Spirit to the point that we are yielded to Christ. Have you turned everything over to Jesus yet today? We must confess all known sin and ask Him to reveal to us anything else we need to get out of the way before He can fill us with His Spirit today or any day. The Kingdom of Heaven has come to Earth. Is He living through you today?

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