Thursday, August 14, 2008

Searching for the Truth

Deuteronomy 29:29

I love to study scripture. Not only because I enjoying learning, but mostly because God is speaking in those pages. He reveals Himself through the pages of the Bible in a way that we may not be able to learn through other means.

For the last few months I have been studying a particular aspect of the Christian faith. I have been searching it out in the words of God and listening to different teachers on both sides of the theology. I still do not know what the truth of this matter is. It has been frustrating, but in the process God has revealed so many other truths. I have just about decided that the particular answer I am looking for may not be completely understood until I see my God face to face.

What I have learned is that there are some things that are hidden and they belong to the Lord. But, there are many things that we can know. There are many things that the words of scripture do teach us. We are responsible for knowing what is in the Bible. We cannot plead ignorance because we have the full canon of scripture readily available to us.

I have said and I have heard others say things like, "well, I don't know about all that, I just believe". We almost boast at times about our ignorance of the Bible. Yes, a simple faith in Christ is enough, but once we have that simple faith we have a responsibility to study and sort out the deep truths. Will we ever understand fully? No, but we can ask God for supernatural wisdom and understanding into His Word.

I have made it a practice to always ask God for that before I open His word. It is amazing what He will show us when we ask Him. We can understand His word, know Him through His word, and lead others to understand and and know His word. So in the infamous words of Dr. James Daniel, "let's get after it"!

"...but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries." Daniel 2:28

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