Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grace Beyond Measure...

Psalm 130

This is one of my favorite Psalms! I love it because it reads so beautifully and is a wonderful prayer to pray back to the Lord. However, its truth runs so much deeper than just its beautiful language. This Psalm is written from a place of total trust in God. The Psalmist knows he is a sinner, but he also knows that God is merciful and hears his prayer. He has a complete trust in the mercy of God.

My favorite verses are 3-4:

If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, therefore you are feared.

There is forgiveness with the Lord! If there wasn't we would flee from His presence in terror. The word "feared" means "honored, worshiped, trusted and served as the one true God". Verses 5-8 are then expressed as a cry of total trust in the Lord. He is waiting on the Lord, longing for Him. This psalm ends with a plea and invitation for Israel to trust in the Lord as well.

Have you put your trust in the Lord today? First and foremost, have you come to Him for forgiveness of your sin? If you have, then leave that sin behind today. So many times we ask and ask and ask for forgiveness over a sin or sinful period of time in our lives. He is faithful to forgive the first time we ask. Many times I have demonstrated to God that I do not believe Him on this issue. I have confessed and confessed particular sins many times. Finally God spoke to me through someone else to ask why did I think I was more faithful than Him? If I could do my part, did I not think He was faithful enough to do His?

Finally today, I want us to think about the open invitation that the Psalmist gave. He was inviting his entire nation to join him in trusting in the Lord. We can invite our entire "nation" or our circle of influence to trust in the Lord by the way we choose to live our lives today. I have been reminded lately that He is still seeking to save the lost. We are still here, He still has a job for us to do and it always involves more people coming to repentance.

As we go about our daily lives, may we always be ready to share why we have hope for tomorrow. There are those who have no hope, but we can show them where true hope comes from. People still need forgiveness. Let's point them to the one that can redeem them "from all their sins."

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