Thursday, May 7, 2009

Visual Reminders

Deuteronomy 27:1-4

Before Moses dies, he reminds the people again to keep all the commandments that the Lord had given to them. He also tells them to write the law on stones covered with plaster and set them up on Mt. Ebal. This was to be a visual reminder to them of what was right and what was wrong. Without them, they would be prone to live very differently.

There is power in the spoken word and there is power in the written word. We have the same visual reminder only it is in the form of a book – the Bible. Without the Bible, we would all live very differently. Loving our enemies, forgiving others, and blessing those that persecute us are not things that come natural to us. However, with the Word of God before us, we know that these are things that God commands us to do. Therefore, we are to do them whether we “feel” like it or not!

If we ever have a question about how we should live, all we must do is open and read our Bibles. “But what about the “gray” areas?” you may ask. There is far more black and white than gray. I have found in my life that if I concentrate on obeying the black and white, the “gray” areas I used to worry about tend to disappear.

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