Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Seeking God's Word First

Deuteronomy 13:1-5

We might think that our hearts are completely guarded from following after a false prophet, but we might be wrong. Usually we identify someone as a false prophet if their prophecies do not come true. However, this passage tells us that a pagan’s prophesies might come true. Then how are we to judge? The Word clearly tells us that if anyone or any prophesy tries to lead us away from God to worship anything or anyone else - even if they are telling us to worship this person along with God – that person is a false prophet and is ultimately worthy of death.

What does this mean for us today? It is actually very applicable to our daily lives. We must put priority on the written Word of God over anyone else’s word. We must also put God’s Word over supposed signs, wonders, or miracles, or our own feelings. This passage teaches us that we are to be taught and guided by God’s Word. The Bible is truly all we need to discern God’s will therefore it is necessary for us to know what it says.

Ask God to help you listen to His Word first today. Ask Him to drown out all the other voices and to lead you to the passages in His Word that will help you make any and every decision. After you have sought His Word, then ask Him to confirm it through other sources. We must make the commitment to seek Him and His Word first.

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