Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Delegating Authority

Exodus 18:13-27

I have been trying to wait until next week to post this devotion, but God has so helped me through what He has taught me in this passage, I just have to share it with you!

After you read the scripture passage for the day, I want you do get out a big piece of paper and a Sharpie. Write in the biggest letters you can fit on the page:


Now, you may replace the word "mother" with "woman" or "boss" or "Sunday school teacher" or whatever you want to, but I want you to remember that you are not able (and never will be) to do everything. And the best part is - God never meant for you to!

Jethro saw first hand what was going on in the camp and he realized that Moses would never be able to stand the stress of leading this nation alone for very long. He offered him some wise counsel. He also told him that if he would "do this and God so commands", Moses would be able to stand the strain of his position.

We can take so much from this passage, but mostly I want you to realize that God never meant for the strain of running a home and family to be on one person. Just as we share the celebrations and struggles of life, we are also to share the work. To try to do everything ourselves instead of teaching others to do them is foolish because we will completely wear ourselves out and risk resenting our own family members for not helping us.

I am realizing that those of us with small children have to take responsiblity for teaching our children how to do things. We have the huge responsibility of teaching them the Word of God, but we must also teach them how to do things in the home as well.

The last thing I want to point out is that this passage does not say that if we delegate authority in our jobs or homes that we will be stress free. Responsibility always has pressure and strains. But, if we are all working together, we will be able to "stand the strain".

I hope this word encourages you as you enter the holidays. As we are all sharing the celebration, let's delegate some of the work as well. That is truly how God meant for the family to operate.

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