Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Famous Last Word: Part 2

2 Timothy 4: 1-4

Today we will concentrate on verses 3 and 4 of our passage. I am sure that throughout the ages Christians had thought that this time had surely come. I certainly believe that it has. The examples are almost endless of how people and more specifically the Church is drawn away to cults and unbiblical teaching. Oprah has a "church" that has attracted millions, many of them former members of an evangelical church. And although I do not remember this event, I have heard the story of Jim Jones my entire life and the 900 people that committed suicide at his command to drink poisoned punch.

While these stories may seem extreme, many believers have allowed unsound doctrine to come into their lives in a subtle way. George Barna who is the founder and director of the Barna Group who has done extensive research on the Church writes:

Only 9 percent of all born-again adults have a biblical worldview - meaning that less than one out of every ten Christians age eighteen or older believes that absolute moral truth exists, believes that such truth is contained in the Bible, and possesses a handful of core beliefs that reflect such truth. Those beliefs include a certainty that the Bible is accurate in its teachings; Jesus lived a sinless life on earth; Satan is real, not symbolic; all believers are responsible for sharing their faith in Christ with others; the only means to salvation is through God's grace; and God is the all-knowing and all-powerful creator of the universe who still rules it today. The other 91 percent of born-again adults possess a patchwork of theological views and rarely rely upon those perspectives to inform their daily decisions. - George Barna, Revolution 2005

While this may sound hard to believe, I personally have had many conversations with people in the church, who I believe are Christians that do not believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven. It is amazing how subtle Satan sneaks into our churches and deceives us.

I lived in deception for so many years. I was tossed back and forth by whatever the preacher in the pulpit would say. Well-meaning legalists kept me paralyzed in my faith for far too long. But, through that I learned the importance of knowing what the Word says for myself. I cannot express how important this is and I am just a fellow journeymen with you. It is way more important to know what God says about anything than it is to watch "American Idol" or anything else on television!

We must know the truth for ourselves. We cannot be dependent on our pastor, our Sunday School teacher, or anyone else. Yes, these people should help us in our walk, but if the only time we open our Bibles is on Sunday we will be much more likely to be taken in by false teachings. Let's commit to know the Word. If you hear something that does not sound quite right and your spirit is unsettled, study it for yourself. May God give us supernatural wisdom to know the truth.

Heavenly Father, I just want to know the truth. I know that you are truth. Please give me supernatural wisdom and understanding as I study your Word that you might reveal to me all that I am capable of knowing. I praise you for your infinite worth. I love you...

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