Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Woman Who Fears the Lord

Proverbs 31:10-31

In 1991 the President and Barbara Bush were on the campaign trail in Texas. One day the presidential limousine was low on gas. When they stopped for gas, the attendant came running out of the station to pump the gas into the presidential limousine. Suddenly, Barbara leaped out of the limousine, ran over to the attendant, and hugged him. They carried on a conversation for a few minutes and then she returned to the car. Upon reentering the limo, the President asked his wife who that man was. She said, "Oh, that is one of my old boyfriends from high school". President Bush smiled and said, "Let me get this straight... You are married to the leader of the free world, but if you had married him, you would be married to a gas station attendant?" Barbara just smiled and said, "Oh, don't be silly George! If I had married him, he would be president!"

Although, I find this story absolutely hilarious, I do believe there is some truth to Mrs. Bush's statement. The Bible testifies to the fact that a wife of noble character brings her husband "good, not harm all the days of her life" (31:12). She also "speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue" (31:26). This passage also says that because of the wife's noble character that her husband is "respected at the city gate" (31:23).

I venture to say that respect is what people, especially men, want more than anything. I want to be the type of wife that brings honor to my husband, not shame. I want people to look at him and be respectful of him because of the way I live my life. So how do we get all these wonderful qualities? There are several things that might help us to be like this wife of noble character. But, only one will truly change our hearts and lives and make a lasting difference.

The secret to being a wife of noble character is found in the second half of verse 30:
"...but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

That is the one component that allows all the other areas to fall in line. What does it mean to fear the Lord? That is actually the theme of the entire book of Proverbs. Proverbs 1:7 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge...". "Fear of the Lord can be hard to describe, but one of the best definitions I have ever read is found in the NIV study Bible. It defines fear of the Lord as "a loving reverence for God that includes submission to his lordship and to the commands of his word". If our lives are truly submitted to the lordship of Christ and to the commands of His word, we will bring honor to ourselves, our children, and our husbands. But, we will also bring honor to our Father to whom all praise and honor is due.

1 comment:

B.J. Price said...

"Oh, don't be silly George! If I had married him, he would be president!"

HA HA HA!! That is hilarious. Thanks for sharing this.