Tuesday, June 10, 2008

For Freedom's Sake

John 8:36
Galatians 5:1

I talk all the time about freedom in Christ and sometimes people just look at me like I am totally crazy! I used to believe that I was the only one in the church that had been held in bondage to certain sins. But, recently I have realized that I am not the only one. Unfortunately many believers are being held hostage by sins that they have been set free from. They just decided to get back in the cell and lock the door. They have the "key", but just do not know how to use it.

A few years ago, I was reading the book Believing God by Beth Moore with my husband. In the book you were encouraged to wear a blue bracelet to remind you of 2 things you were giving up while reading the book. One of them was supposed to be a fast of some kind and the other was supposed to be a sin or habit that was leading you into sin. It was easy to choose what sin I wanted to "fast" from. I had struggled with "sins of the mouth" for a long time and I hated them. I put my blue bracelet on and vowed to not talk ugly ever again.

Well, I was doing pretty good, until one afternoon we were headed for a band competition that my cousin was performing in. We left in plenty of time provided that we had known where we were going. I despise being late. I do not really mind if others are late, but I can not stand to be late myself. As we were turning around for the fourth time, I lost it. I was crying and not saying very nice things to my husband and they were definitely not said in a nice way. I realized what I was doing and in my rage ripped off my blue bracelet and threw it out the window! I had failed.

In a few minutes, we both just started laughing. Not only at how ridiculous I had acted, but also that I been so foolish to think that putting on a blue bracelet and vowing not to do something would really change this issue in my life. There is only one way to experience lasting change and that is through depending on the One who set us free in the first place. His name is Jesus and you can know Him today for the first time. If you already know Him you can know Him better by spending time with Him in prayer and the studying of His Word. He is the only cure for our sin problem and prayer and Bible study are the prescriptions.

I never got another blue bracelet, but Christ did set me free from that particular stronghold when I started relying completely on Him and taking "captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (See 2 Cor. 10 3-5). Was it easy? No. Was it overnight? No. But, I have realized that very few things that are worthwhile are easy. It takes time, but you can start today.

Take that sin that keeps coming back up in your life and turn it over. There have been times that I have had to take a thought "captive" every five minutes, but eventually by the power of God, you will be free. The first step is realizing that Christ has already given you the key.

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