Friday, November 20, 2020

A Different Type of Thanksgiving

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7

As I was driving to work today, I heard a new song - The Thanksgiving Song. It's definitely worth a listen if you have not heard it. I was already thinking about the fact that this year looks completely different than last year - or any other year. We all have a laundry list of things we've lost this year. Jobs, opportunities, friendships, marriages, etc. Many of us have lost family members - to cancer, Alzheimer's, COVID, or any other cause of death. To say 2020 has been difficult would be the understatement of the century to most Americans. However, God's word does not tell me to "rejoice" when things are going my way or to "rejoice" when there is no pandemic or when my candidate wins the election. God's word tells me to rejoice always or in all things. 

As I listened to the song, I cried. My extended family just cancelled our Thanksgiving plans. Your family may be doing something different as well. For the first time in my life, I will not spend Thanksgiving with my family. In honesty, I did not feel like being thankful. However, I started praying. And immediately, God reminded me of all the things I can be honestly thankful for in 2020. Many of them come out of loss, but they are blessings all the same. Loss gives us a different type of thanksgiving, but I am thankful nonetheless. 

I am thankful I had my mother in Florence, AL the last 21 months of her life. I am thankful my dad was frugal all their lives and my parents had the money to pay for my mother's care. I am thankful for my Aunt Vallie, Aunt Beverly, Uncle Gaylon and Aunt Carol who were by my side when their sister/my mother went to her heavenly home. I am thankful for the worship service we had in that room. My Aunt Vallie spoke a word of praise like none other I've ever experienced. 

I am thankful I am a high-school teacher and a nurse. I am thankful God impressed upon me in August of 2019 to return to the hospital as an "as needed" employee. He knew what was coming. He knew I would need to work during this pandemic. I am thankful I have been able to continue to teach during this time and thankful for the students who truly WANT to learn. They are a constant encouragement to me. 

I am thankful for my church and church leaders who did close our doors for a time, but continued to find ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the first worship service we had as a congregation. It was small, but the Holy Spirit was truly palpable in the room. I am thankful my children never stopped serving during this period. When others who were more at risk stepped down, the boys filled those roles in the choir, praise team, youth worship band, and media. David, who is 11, runs media for rehearsals and even services! 

I am thankful for the friendships that have continued to flourish during this time. Yes, like you, I've lost some. And it hurts. People have disappointed me. However, the friendships remaining have truly been tested by fire - at they have been refined. 

I am thankful my dad's biopsy came back benign. I am thankful we have had access to healthcare for his diabetic foot ulcer that seems to be finally on the mend. I am thankful my brother helps take him to his doctor appointments. He and I don't agree about anything except that we both love our parents. At the moment, that common ground has allowed some peace - another thing to be thankful for. 

I am thankful for my in-laws who are really not in-laws anymore. After 20 years, they are complete family. My mother-in-law calls me her "daughter-in-love" and she is my "mother-in-love" as well. Our relationship has been far from perfect, but praise God we did not give up! We would have truly missed a blessing. I am thankful for the beautiful quilts she made out of my mother's clothes. They are truly a beauty to behold and will be treasured. I am thankful we have a few new members of our family on both sides and one precious little boy who is on the way. 

I am thankful my children were able to do the things they love even though life was interrupted and things weren't as we had hoped. Hopefully, we will appreciate our opportunities even more! I am really thankful I haven't had to MAKE the boys get up for school one day! They jump out of bed ready to go! Joel went to band practice with joy. Watching Caleb run with all his might brings tears to my eyes now. Even when he couldn't run at state because of an "exposure" and I totally lost my brain over it - Caleb found the blessing. Since he had to drop out, a senior took his place. The senior set a personal record in the race! Caleb has more years while this young man did not.  

This morning God reminded me of His faithfulness and gratitude overwhelmed me. He has never left me. God has taught me things in the darkest places of the soul I could not have learned in the light. I am forever thankful. He gave His son for me. He called me to Himself. He makes Himself knowable to me. I have all I could ever need because I have Him. The peacefulness this brings my soul is not only refreshing, but so needed.  

I could go on, but if you've read this far, I hope you will ask God to give you a different type of Thanksgiving this year. Ask Him to show you what He has blessed you with in 2020 you would have missed if it had been like every other year. "I will say it again: Rejoice!" 

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