Monday, April 27, 2009

Present Suffering

Romans 8:18

Yesterday in church we were singing an awesome song called "Your Grace is Enough". It basically proclaims that whatever I might be going through, God's is bigger and His grace is enough.

As we were singing, I started thinking about several people around me. Close to me was a woman who is grieving over a lost relationship. One row up was a mother who in the last two years has completely lost the ability to speak. She was signing every word. Two rows up was a woman who has a difficult time forming relationships, but now is having trouble with her health. She is suffering almost alone. Just a few rows back was a couple who have a severely handicapped child whose medical bills alone are stressful, not to mention just the day to day routine that must be carried out in their home.

The amazing thing was that all of them were proclaiming, "Your Grace is Enough". It was an amazing moment in worship as hearts that were breaking cried out to God that their present suffering could not even compare with greatness of God or with the grace He had bestowed upon them.

We are all going to struggle and suffer. This is as much a part of life as the sun coming up in the morning. However, this life is but a vapor. And eternity is unfathomable. When we reach eternity with Christ, there will not be one moment of suffering ever again. In light of that, "our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."

Therefore, let us suffer with faithfulness. Whatever we are going through, let us be faithful to God - even when we don't feel like it. Express those feelings to God today. He is big enough to handle them. And His grace is enough... even for you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

.....and my precious "middle" child, and her precious David Andrew. Thanks for this one. I love you.