Thursday, April 9, 2009

Baby Steps of Faith

Numbers 21:1-3

This passage of scripture may seem insignificant, but it is actually the first baby step of faith that the Israelites took since their journey to the promised land began. The Israelites were victims of an unprovoked attack by the Canaanites. I don't know about you, but I would have expected their response to be something like, "if only we had died in the desert!". But, they show a shocking amount of faith and turn to God. Yeah Israelites!!

The Israelites believed that God was able to do what He said He could do. They acted in faith, but their faith had two very important components that true faith always has. First, their faith had content. They were basing their faith on God's promise to bring them into the promised land. Their faith also had action. Their action was making a vow to the Lord and following through. The Lord brought them to victory based on their faith.

What makes this short victory even more important is that this was the very place that 38 years before they had been defeated when they chose not to believe God. God truly is the God of second chances! God can use our former places of defeat for victory.

Is there somewhere in your life that God is offering you a second chance? Don't miss out on His second chance! Make a vow to the Lord today that if He will give you the victory, you will be obedient.

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