Friday, October 10, 2008

Looking for God

Matthew 2:1-12

I know it is not Christmas yet, but I am already getting excited!! We were reading the Christmas story the other day to the boys and they were especially intrigued with the wise men. They have always intrigued me as well. Where were they from? Who were they? How far did they travel? How did they know that this star was the "Star" that had been prophesied about in Numbers 24:17? These are questions that I have always wanted to know.

However, the other day, God whispered something else into my spirit other than my unquenchable thirst for knowledge. The question whispered to my soul was why did everyone else not see the star? I believe it was obvious to the entire world so why didn't they see it? Actually many people lots smarter than me have spent their lives researching and studying this very topic. (There is a wonderful article from the Institute of Creation Research that you can read by clicking here.)

Even if others saw it, scripture only tells us of one group of people that recognized the star as the sign that the Savior had been born. Literally, God in the flesh. The question my heart keeps asking is how many times have I missed God? How many times have the signs been as clear as that star was in the sky and I have walked right by? How many miracles has He done right under my nose and I did not even recognize them?

Today, let us not miss God. Ask Him for an opportunity to see Him at work. Ask Him for an opportunity to be involved in what He is doing. Ask Him to remove the veil from our eyes that we might truly see His Glory today. Let us not miss out on Him!

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