Friday, August 22, 2008

Making a Way

Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-41

God will always make a way for us to do what He has commanded us to do. Recently, I was reminded of the miracle of Pentacost during our family devotion time. Joel and Caleb have already learned that when their Bibles show the wind blowing (as if you can really see it!) that is the Holy Spirit. Pentacost truly was a miracle, yet sometimes we get so caught up in the "tongues" issue that we miss it. Let me explain...

In Acts 1 Luke is giving us an account of the last words of Jesus before He ascends to the Father. Acts 1:8 sounds like an almost impossible task. They were to take the Gospel to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth. Okay, Jerusalem they could do. Judea and Samaria would take a little time, but still this was do-able. But the ends of the Earth? How could they do this? Well, they were told to not even start until the Holy Spirit came, but I'm sure they wondered how they would complete such a task. But, God had already made a way.

Pentacost was the beginning to the Feast of Weeks and was celebrated on the 50th day after the Sabbath of Passover week. So there were many pilgrims in the city to celebrate. Jews had come from Judea, Samaria, and all over the Jewish world. When the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples and they proclaimed the Gospel, "the ends of the Earth" were present to hear the message. This wasn't just an everyday occurance. The fact that the Holy Spirit came in wind and fire should not have been missed by any Jew. They knew that this was how God had presented Himself in the past. Everyone that witnessed what happened that day went home telling their friends and neighbors what happened at Pentacost.

3000 accepted the message the first day. You can know they went home to their country and told everyone they knew and the gospel was spread. God told them to be His witnesses and they were. He did it through them. The next time you feel as if God is asking you to do something that you feel is near impossible, remember this miracle and that "nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37)

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