Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Let the Veil Down

2 Corinthians 3:16-17

I realize that I wrote on these verses a few weeks ago, but last night God revealed them to me in an entirely new context and I am so excited about it. I have been talking with many of my friends and spiritual counselors recently and we have all come to the same conclusion: There has to be something more when it comes to corporate worship. I have been wanting to write on worship for quite some time, but the Lord just has not brought all of my thoughts together yet. However, last night I truly feel like I got an answer to prayer.

Sometimes during corporate worship I feel like we are just missing it. If what we are doing in our worship services is supposed to be practice for when we get around the throne, I fear we are going to be very surprised. For a long time, I have prayed that the Holy Spirit would rain down during our worship services. I’ve prayed that He would come in wind and fire and change hearts and lives. But, I have never prayed that He would open our eyes.

I realized last night through these verses that until the “veil is taken away” we cannot experience freedom in Christ. The two go together. We cannot truly experience the freedom of God until He removes the veil and we see that He is truly more important than anything else.

Many times I have prayed that God would draw His people to worship Him in freedom. He knew exactly what I meant, but I should be asking Him to remove the veil from our eyes. When that happens and we see the Lord, there will be freedom. It is coming. Will you join me in this prayer?

“Greater things have yet to come,
Greater things are still to be done
In this city.
Greater things have yet to come,
And greater things are still to be done here…”

God of this City - BlueTree

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