Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Knowing God

Isaiah 43:10-13, Psalm 139:13-16

I guess as long as the Lord allows me or any human being to write about Him the topic of knowing God will never be exhausted. David Platt says, "while we can never know God fully, we can know Him truly." We will never be able to know everything there is about God because His "ways are higher than [our] ways" (Isaiah 55:9). But, as I have said before, God is knowable and He desires to be known by us. The question I have always had is "Why?". Why would God in all His infinite greatness care if anyone on Earth, especially me, know Him?

Our verses in Isaiah give us part of the answer. We are His witnesses and the servants He has chosen. If we have accepted Christ as our Savior, we have experienced God. Although we are in the process of knowing Him better, when we begin to follow Christ, we have truly met with the Living God. We are His witnesses to the people we are around everyday. He could reveal Himself other ways, but yet again, He has chosen to reveal Himself through you and I.

What I am trying to say is that you and I are not just meant to know God for our own personal benefit. We are meant to be witnesses to the fact that others can know Him as well. God has so powerfully used other people's relationship with Him to show me that I can have that type of relationship as well.

I was only about 21 when I first encountered Beth Moore. I did not know what she had, but I knew I wanted it. The more I heard her speak, I realized that the reason she had such a living and active relationship with God is because she spends time with Him on a daily basis. God did not just come to her and reveal Himself to her daily without her putting in the time and effort to get to know Him through His word and prayer. I sincerely believed that He could change me, too.

I am living proof that God can reveal Himself to anyone, change anyone, do anything. If He did it (and is still doing it) in my life, He can in anyone's life. But, He not only did that for my benefit. First and foremost, He did it for His glory. That reason would be enough, but because He is a gracious and merciful God, He also did it so that I could be His witness. I pray that His work will not be in vain. I pray that through what He has done for me, He will draw others to Himself.

He has done the same for you. He has not just changed you for you. He has changed you for that man at the grocery store that needs a warm smile. He has changed you for your family member whose life is spinning out of control. He has changed you for that woman you see on the tennis court who is desperately looking for someone to love her. He has changed you for that woman at church who needs a friend. We must share what He has done for us so that others can "know and believe... and understand" that He is God. And He's still in the miracle business.

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