About 2 1/2 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with an extremely rare type of adrenal gland tumors. Her physician found them by accident and because she was essentially asymptomatic, it took about six months for her to be diagnosed with what is called pheochromocytoma. Don't worry! I couldn't say it either!
I will never forget the day we went to the first surgeon. It was late in the evening by the time we left his office. During the consultation he said that this was the type of thing that "scared" a surgeon. Obviously, we were extremely upset. I was pregnant with our second child, but we had not told anyone yet, including my mother.
I came home and spent the entire evening searching the Bible for every single time the word "heal", "healing", "heals", or "healed" was used. I prayed that God would give me the right passage that wound give me peace for that night. I came to the passage in 2 Kings and knew that I had my answer. I'm not sure if you caught it or not, but there is something in this passage that deserves our attention.
God told Isaiah to tell Hezekiah he was going to die. Hezekiah prayed to the Lord. The Lord heard him, and before Isaiah even left the middle court, God sent him back to tell Hezekiah that he was going to live. Now here it is so don't miss it! "Then Isaiah said, "Prepare a poultice of figs" They did so and applied it to the boil and he recovered" (2 Kings 20:7).
As I read this story, I found that a little strange so I looked up some commentary on the verse. The commentary in the NIV study Bible reads:
"The Lord healed Hezekiah, but divine healing does not necessarily exclude the use of known remedies."
Wow! We knew that my mother was going to have to have surgery and, God used the surgery which was the "known remedy" to heal her. Could He have done it another way? Sure He could have, but He chose to use the surgery. God used so many people to minister to us during this trying time, and amazingly, used us to minister to others.
God is still in the business of physical healing, but most assuredly He is in the business of spiritual healing. A friend of mine is in Ecuador right now on a medical mission trip. Not only is she bringing physical healing to these people through "known remedies", she is also bringing spiritual healing to their very souls. Thank you, Leslie for your willingness to give of yourself.
Every church, Bible study group, Sunday school class, and prayer group is overwhelmed with prayer requests for healing. Let's keep praying and look for God to do it however He sees fit. And when He does, give Him the praise. Never forget that although physical healing is wonderful, spiritual healing is truly a miracle.
"...and by His wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5
1 comment:
Good word, especially the challenge to keep praying. Prayer is no small thing. It may seem simple, but if we will truly weigh out the divine conversation that is taking place when we pray we will stand in awe to have such a platform in the presence of the King. Thank you for your Biblical encouragement.
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